Arcturus Press There's nothing more humiliating for a real man than to betray the code of manly honor. But what is that code? Once it consisted of something called manly virtue, or simply virtue (since vir means man in Latin). The real man--the man of honor--ruled his bodily fears and passions with an iron will. He was courageous, abstinent, dignified, courteous, and ready to devote himself utterly to a power higher than himself.Yet after about four centuries of growing bureaucracy and proliferating firearms--and as many decades of feminist extremism--that ideal of manly virtue is nowhere in sight. We hear about the crisis of boys and violence, but not about that of boys and dignity or men and truth-telling. This book's time has come. |
Courage, Honor, Chastity, Humility... Not virtues to which most of today's men aspire--nor toward which their female partners generally help them progress. In a book at once frank and elegant, humorous and scholarly, Dr. Singleton wastes not a word upon flattering the statistical majority and concedes no points to the popular cult of pleasure. Rather, he calls young men to live by the highest principles, whatever the throng around them may do; and he warns young women, along the way, not to assist ivory-tower feminism in deriding the rare gentleman who treats them with punctilious courtesy. from the back cover Especially delightful is the generous, straight-shooting Appendix, "Specific Situations", which handles the following delicate subjects: boys and competitive sports, manhood and self-defense, blind dates and the male obsession with surfaces, homosexual overtures, Robert Bly and Iron John, and why feminists hate men, and how to handle their hatred (see excerpts below). Dr. Singleton's insights will surprise you if you are anticipating a stock response from an ideologue. He finds the "Zen" of baseball more gentlemanly than the "Dionysiac" fury of football, believes martial-arts training an important way of avoiding physical confrontation, thinks homosexuals are entitled to the same minimal courtesy as everyone else when they mistake their quarry, and has real sympathy for the misguided feminist who accuses men of all her life's problems. His moral convictions, if rigorously applied, are nonetheless thoroughly blended with common sense, humor, and a keen awareness that none of us is perfect.
ISBN: 0-9676054-5-8 paperback, 134 pages + iv
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