Links to Compatible Sites


We should at once qualify that the sites below are roughly or approximately compatible with positions stated throughout the LITERATE VALUES Web site (though Net culture doesn't seem to waste much time on subtle qualification).  Concerns over the West's moral and cultural meltdown, over academic hypocrisy and nihilism, etc., preoccupy some of the "watchdog" organizations, while a commitment to cultural conservatism, the Western tradition, and moral reason is visible in publications of a more general mission.  We are in nowise endorsing every view which you will find expressed on each of these pages.  The ultimate rating of our entries' value is yours to arbitrate: we simply offer them all as more or less worthy of inspection.

This page is obviously incipient.  By all means, send us word of any Web site which you think belongs among this group, including one in whose creation you are involved.  Our address is .

"A bad oarsman never found a good oar"!  If you don't

find links to your liking, then help us out with suggestions.

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Matters Academic

Accuracy in Academia

The now-classic source of general information about the postmodern classroom's disruption by political correctness, feminist extremism, "victim" ideology, and anti-literacy.

Russel Henderson  Campus Nonsense

As well as his own comments, Mr. Henderson offers a useful list of links to campus newspapers which have not been commandeered by political correctness and ideological intimidation.

Erin O'Connor  Cant Watch 

A preeminent source, not just of information about the campus's pedagogical and moral chaos, but of profound analysis thereof, Professor O'Connor is an excellent starting point on these issues.

Virginia Postrel  The Scene

Midwestern journalist turned "blogger", Ms. Postrel is delightful to read and has a particularly attractive awareness of "the gray" where other people are childishly choosing up sides. 

Lisa Snell  Education Weak

This site provides useful information and links; Ms. Snell is connected with the culturally conservative Reason Magazine, to which the browser may proceed at will.

Kimberly Wygert  Number 2 Pencil

Professor Wygert is immersed in the many issues surrounding academic testing these days.  She provides a very clear view into waters often muddied by careerist special interests.


Online Journals of Cultural Commentary


Published out of Berkeley by Professor Eric Gans et alii, this can be pretty dense reading for those whose standard fare is message boards and "bloggers".  Even for some of us at The Center, topics of discussion can be rather far-fetched and suggested causation rather far-out... but several pieces reward a careful reading.


A Catholic journal of a distinguished history produced by educated but not pedantic minds, this source, if generally right of center, has expressed opinions on both sides of the political spectrum.

Culture Wars

E. Michael Jones is the inspiration of much of the content here.  His dissection of our cultural meltdown will strike some as inflexible, but he applies his principles consistently and is well informed.

First Things

Among the best-known of culturally conservative organs, Fr. Neuhaus's FT is not narrowly wedded to any religious denomination, but rather to the "mere Christianity" of moral reason and applied faith.

Gilbert Magazine

A spirited literary journal devoted to English writer G.K. Chesterton, Gilbert Magazine (edited by Sean Dailey) resides at the Web site of the American Chesterton Society, which funds its publication. 


 Sites for the Christian Intellectual

Stand to Reason

The Internet appendage of George Koukl's radio show, this site offers advice on Christian apologetics (i.e., how to present a rational case for faith) and is friendly to moral reason in other ways, as well.

The Insight

This is actually a Christian (and predominantly Catholic) Web directory: i.e., it leads the browser to sites of possible interest rather than publishing texts and advancing views explicitly.  With the Internet's explosion, more discriminating "search tools" such as this are much needed.


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